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Holy Qurbani

Over the last 35 years, Hadhrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Sikder رحمه الله worked tirelessly to collect donations for Qurbani and distribute these across many poverty-stricken areas in the southern region of Bangladesh. Just alone in 2007, he distributed 287 Qurbanis.


Between 2007 to 2013, Al-Madeenah islamic Society distributed 754 Qurbanis to 8300 families.  With your continuous donations, we want so support more people who are in need. Most of families in these underprivileged regions can never afford to eat meat throughout the year therefore a Qurbani meat is a real delight for them. 

عَنْ أَنَسٍ، قَالَ ضَحَّى النَّبِيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم بِكَبْشَيْنِ، يُسَمِّي وَيُكَبِّرُ‏.‏

Narrated by Anas RA, "The Prophet (ﷺ) slaughtered two rams as sacrifice and mentioned Allah's Name and said, "Allahu Akbar" while slaughtering".  - Sahih Bukhari

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