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Who we are



Al Madeenah Islamic Society, a UK registered charity and non-governmental organisation, based in the city of Bradford, provides humanitarian and welfare services to the disadvantaged individuals and communities primarily in the southern regions of Bangladesh such as Patuakhali and Barisal districts.

The charity was founded by the renowned scholar, Imam and social activist, Hadhrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Sikder رحمة الله عليه . His charitable works started in the 80's as he was concerned about the lack of presence and aid from international charities in these deprived regions. As the main mode of transport was by sea, it was logistically impossible for charities to operate and deliver aid efficiently. 


Therefore over the last 35 years, we  have been operating in poverty-stricken parts of southern Bangladesh by delivering aid and helping thousands of deprived individuals with livelihood, healthcare and educational programmes. 

"Those who give, out of their own possessions, by night and by day, in private and in public will have their reward with their Lord.”

- Quran 2:274

Our Mission

Our Mission

Our mission is to relieve poverty in the most poorest parts of Bangladesh especially in the southern region offering provisions to increase the quality of life. Our aim is to advance religious and secular education and training by the providing  education and training activities.

Charity Work_edited.png
Image by Larm Rmah

Our Vision

Our Vision is to Eradicate poverty, Educate individuals and Empower them to help others. 

We Need Your Support Today!

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