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Message from our founder

Hadhrat Mawlānā Sheikh Ashraf Ali Sikder
(رحمة الله عليه)

Al-Madeenah Islamic Society was established from humble beginnings on 1st July 1972, by my beloved father. He established a Masjid out of tin shed, leaves and branches that could accommodate approximately 28 worshippers. Alhamdulillah, through the will of Allah SWT and the generous donations of well-wishers, we have been able to establish a Masjid and Madrasa that can accommodate more than 500 people. 


Alhamdulillah, Al-Madeenah Islamic Society provides humanitarian support to the poor people of southern regions of Bangladesh such as Patuakhali and Barishal. We undertake various projects from Annual Qurbani, providing livelihood initiatives, providing water facilities and building homes for the poor amongst many others


We operate mainly in Southern region of Bangladesh, near the Bay of Bengal. The aim is to provide Islamic education, spiritual guidance and humanitarian provisions to the poor people in local community. This mission was started due to the endless efforts of NGOs, non-Muslim missionaries and Qadiyanis, who have been working tirelessly to derail the Imaan of the Muslims.


I pray that Allah SWT accepts our past, present and future efforts and that of all the generous donors till the day of judgement In Shā Allāh. Ameen

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